Equal not identical

Friday, February 28, 1997 Equal not identical TOLERANCE: African American History Month’s last day calls for reflectionBy Patricia J. Gentry Recently, I was having lunch with a friend of mine who is African American. During the meal, a slim blue packet of artificial sweetener slipped off the table. My friend scooped it up and pressed […]

Sexy or Psycho?

Friday, 2/28/97 Sexy or Psycho? A handy reference guideBY KATHERINE TOM I find it kind of funny that on Valentine’s Day, Ahh’s ran a full page ad in The Bruin depicting various sexual aids. And I don’t mean "funny, ha ha," like my column tries to be, I mean "funny, strange," like my column actually […]

Achievements of compatriots should not be denigrated

Thursday, February 27, 1997 EXCELLENCE: Professors, TAs and honors students work hard, deserve creditBy Lina Lee This letter is in response to Silvia Morelos’ article "University shouldn’t stifle one’s potential" (Feb. 25). As a student at UCLA ­ and an honors student at that ­ I am simply appalled to see that Morelos holds such […]


Thursday, February 27, 1997 Vitale clarification Although I highly agree with Shapiro in his article "Vitale eats his words," Mark missed serious points Dick made on television. Even though he has a high regard for the ACC, he did have words the basketball team needs to hear: "Bruin Defense did what a majority of top-ranked […]

CALPIRG an effective way to empower your voice

Thursday, February 27, 1997 ACTIVISM: Positive changes must begin with student supportBy Robin Pendoley "Hey, would you like to pledge your support to the environment?" Keep your head down. Don’t make eye contact. Just keep walking. "Would you like to sign a postcard to decrease student fees and increase financial aid?" Oh no, they’ve got […]