U.S. must end aid to Indonesian tyranny in East Timor

Tuesday, March 4, 1997 ASSISTANCE: America played key role in brutal occupation of half-islandBy Matthew Jardine The 1996 Nobel Peace Prize winner Jose Ramos Horta’s visit to UCLA tomorrow is a momentous event. Ramos Horta is the head of the diplomatic wing of the East Timorese resistance. Along with co-Nobel Prize laureate Catholic Bishop Carlos […]


Tuesday, March 4, 1997 Incorrect facts plague article In regards to Malik Francis’ Feb. 25 Viewpoint, "Expanding African-American History, I was surprised to read: "A short time after the Civil War, (John) Brown led a group of slaves to Harper’s Ferry, New York to revolt." Firstly, the raid happened in October, 1859. The Civil War […]

Constituent lashes out at Hayden¹s hypocrisy, demands resignation

Monday, March 3, 1997 ELECTION: Candidate continually absent from Senate, waffles on reformBy Alex Cota Many, many times, in running against Tom Hayden, I challenged him to public debate. Hayden always ducked debate with me. Why? I would have exposed his incompetence, ineptitude and mendacity. To cite a few of many examples: Hayden poses as […]

UC¹s domestic partner benefits lacking

Monday, March 3, 1997 DISCRIMINATION: Atkinson allows university to lag behind conservatives in extending equal supportBy refusing equal benefits for domestic partners, the UC system is blatantly violating the principle of equal pay for equal work. If students, faculty, and staff conjoined in same-sex relationships are as valuable to the UC as their heterosexual counterparts, […]