Monday, March 10, 1997 ACADEMICS: Soon to be graduate imagines life after college, reminisces philosophically about his academic performance at UCLA I paid a visit to my psychology counselor the other day in a desperate search for guidance. Graduation is a year away, and I’m already starting to panic. I had a million questions I […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Boundaries revisited
Friday, March 7, 1997 HARASSMENT: A woman is more than the sum total of her body parts One hot day the summer after my freshman year, I decided to take the two-hour bus ride from my house to UCLA. The bus was crowded, and it reached maximum capacity when we hit downtown. This gave people […]
Speaks Out As Albert Carnesale was given the nod, we asked: ‘What would you like to see a new chance
Friday, March 7, 1997 Tiffany Costa Third-year English A better sense of community. As a transfer student it is hard for me to feel like I fit in. It’s a big university, and there aren’t many things I can join that I feel are a part of me. Michael Hurst Fourth-year Ethnomusicology I would like […]
Friday, March 7, 1997 Reconstruction wastes money As a taxpayer, I am dumbfounded and incensed how some areas of the UCLA campus are constantly being torn up, redone, and torn up again. This uses tax dollars poorly and isn’t right or fair. Even as I write, crews of orange-vested men are tearing apart Bruin Walk […]
Millennium programs fight for access to education
Thursday, March 6, 1997 FEES: Campaign strives to lower price, increase value of college degreesBy Parimal M. Rohit With a new millennium just around the corner, hopes and expectations are high. Not only are we entering a new century and millennium, we are also entering a new lifestyle. This is a lifestyle with no end […]
Mission: impossible
Thursday, March 6, 1997 DILEMMA: Writer’s block strikes all of us, inviting creative solutionsAnn Mah There comes a point in every student’s life when insanity sets in. As an aspiring writer, my point of delirium periodically takes the form of writer’s block. This week, for example, my column was supposed to explore the rivalry between […]
Former tutor’s positive experience contradicts misconceptions about program
Thursday, March 6, 1997 AAP: Sympathy toward affirmative action helps but is not only criterionBy Raffi Merjanian Over the last year or so, I have read article after article accusing AAP tutoring of being an elite organization which hires only minority, pro-affirmative action tutors. Nothing could be further from the truth. So for all you […]