Letters to the Editor

Tuesday, 4/15/97 Letters to the Editor The line drawn I’m writing in response to Stanley L. Johnson Jr.’s April 9 article. I’d like to say that I agree with Johnson’s review and commend him for taking a stand against Todd Smith’s thoughts. It is too often that people speak or write for diversity ("racial healing"), […]


Monday, 4/14/97 Letters Prop. 209 fairness The recent un-injunction of Proposition 209 will make a big impact on campus. According to Tom Lifka, "Any program or organization that receives any kind of university or public funding … and has some sort of ethnic, racial or gender dimension to it may possibly be scrutinized." Besides the […]

Forum offers support, advice to student groups

Friday, 4/11/97 Forum offers support, advice to student groups Poor showing by organizations reflects apathy, lack of spirit By Carol Lee and Cliff Jin Have you ever seen members of a sorority, the African Student Union, the Student Alumni Association, USAC and the Association of Chinese Americans sitting at the same table, creating solutions to […]