Tuesday, 4/15/97 Letters to the Editor The line drawn I’m writing in response to Stanley L. Johnson Jr.’s April 9 article. I’d like to say that I agree with Johnson’s review and commend him for taking a stand against Todd Smith’s thoughts. It is too often that people speak or write for diversity ("racial healing"), […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Students should appreciate, play sport of soccer
Monday, 4/14/97 Students should appreciate, play sport of soccer Internationally loved activity deserves more attention in United States By Kathy Adibi I can’t tell you how happy I was to find an article on the wonderful sport of soccer in the Daily Bruin Sports section today (April 3). Since the UCLA soccer season ended months […]
ASUCLA heads operate without a body
Monday, 4/14/97 ASUCLA heads operate without a body Student government breaches faith by issuing cost increases before consulting all of its members ASUCLA’s student and career leaders have gagged the student body, but not before shoving a horse pill – in the form of a $43.50 annual fee increase – down its throat. ASUCLA autocrats […]
Monday, 4/14/97 Letters Prop. 209 fairness The recent un-injunction of Proposition 209 will make a big impact on campus. According to Tom Lifka, "Any program or organization that receives any kind of university or public funding … and has some sort of ethnic, racial or gender dimension to it may possibly be scrutinized." Besides the […]
Clinging on to beauty’s sands of time
Monday, 4/14/97 Clinging on to beauty’s sands of time Mah ponders on the repercussions of a transitional birthday Sometimes when I look in the mirror, the face of a 40-year-old stares back. Though this is slightly incongruent with my stereotypically "ever-young" Asian features, nevertheless, late at night or very early in the morning, bags gather, […]
Forum offers support, advice to student groups
Friday, 4/11/97 Forum offers support, advice to student groups Poor showing by organizations reflects apathy, lack of spirit By Carol Lee and Cliff Jin Have you ever seen members of a sorority, the African Student Union, the Student Alumni Association, USAC and the Association of Chinese Americans sitting at the same table, creating solutions to […]
Death penalty obscures justice
Friday, 4/11/97 Death penalty obscures justice Punishment puts pressure on jurors, is applied inconsistently Although still in the midst of jury selection, the trial of Timothy McVeigh has already struck a chord of controversy within the American judicial system. Before twelve jurors can be seated to determine who is responsible for the bombing of the […]