Anti-Semitism rears ugly head with attacks on Israel

Monday, 4/21/97 Anti-Semitism rears ugly head with attacks on Israel Jew-haters mask their agenda by charging nation with racism, mistreatment of Arabs By Netanel Livni Zionism, the national liberation movement of the Jewish people, is once again under attack. At college campuses throughout the country, myths of Zionist oppression and of the racist Zionist regimes […]

Critical Mass

Monday, 4/21/97 Critical Mass Traffic problems in the L.A. area can be alleviated by supporting public transportation projects. My bicycle tire chains hang sadly in my closet, lightly rusted with a powdery patina of salt left over from their last use in the late-winter slush of Minneapolis over a year ago. They are an ironic […]

Free speech, even when unpleasant, must be protected

Friday, 4/18/97 Free speech, even when unpleasant, must be protected Vandalism reveals some won’t allow opposing view a voice By Omar Hamoui Freedom of speech is a fundamental American principle which we pride and are often envied for. However, on April 15, just a few steps from the "freedom of speech" podium at Meyerhoff Park, […]


Friday, 4/18/97 LETTERS Setting it straight We would like to propose a moratorium on the logical fallacies presented weekly by J. Jioni Palmer. Every article that he writes is based upon the presupposition that his skin-color is the sole determinant of his fate. From his past article on the need for reparations to his many […]

Let’s face reality

Thursday, 4/17/97 Let’s face reality Inner-city gang problems need action instead of an ‘Us-against-them’ mentality By Scott Lunceford Daily Bruin Staff In a fractured city, where the struggle to stop gang violence seems futile, 20-year-old Jeremy Estrada becomes an emblem of hope. After spending his teenage years with a gang in East Los Angeles, Estrada […]