Monday, 4/28/97 Administration must stop building boom Campus has no need for more new structures while green open areas are demolished Chancellor Young made a commitment at the beginning of his tenure to preserve UCLA’s "park-like atmosphere." Something must have gone haywire, because UCLA does not have a park-like atmosphere. UCLA has concrete courtyards, monolithic […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Pondering mysteries of that most fundamental of rooms
Monday, 4/28/97 Pondering mysteries of that most fundamental of rooms Exploring toilet sociology reveals difference in attitudes between the sexes "When you gotta go, you gotta go." -author unknown The needs of the bladder and/or colon have engendered a societal fascination with places of relief. Also known as the rest room, the Loo, bathroom, or […]
Your community is calling for your help
Monday, 4/28/97 Your community is calling for your help African Student Union needs involvement to function By Chad Williams If I have learned one thing during my two years of involvement in the African Student Union (ASU), it is not to be overly sensitive. When you play an active role in any organization that is […]
Friday, 4/25/97 LETTERS GSA candidate clarifies statement I am writing to express my dismay at having been paraphrased and misquoted in Tuesday’s Daily Bruin article on the Graduate Students Association (GSA) elections. The quotes attributed directly to me are incorrect paraphrases of statements I made to the reporter. Normally, I would chalk this up to […]
Opening your mind to pleasure
Friday, 4/25/97 Opening your mind to pleasure Orgasms: Myths stand in the way of women’s quest for holy grail of sex Birds do it. Bees do it. James Joyce wrote about it. The Beatles sang about it. Meg Ryan has a talent for faking it. I am speaking, of course, of the big "O" – […]
Beauty looks demonically ugly in this beholder’s eyes
Friday, 4/25/97 Beauty looks demonically ugly in this beholder’s eyes Single-minded pursuit of the superficial wastes time, effort, leads to a vacuous ideal By Sridhar Yalamanchili So you want to be one of the beautiful people. What’s it worth to you? Do you have what it takes? How quietly can you crawl from a stranger’s […]
Retribution would only deepen empty feelings
Thursday, 4/24/97 Retribution would only deepen empty feelings Survivors’ anger, pain not assuaged by memorials, reparation By Sarah Ter-Minasyan Here I go again making up an excuse not to watch "Mairig," a French-made movie about the Armenian survivors’ experience in France right after the genocide. This is nothing new to me. I never went to […]