Wednesday, 4/30/97 Government faceless in eyes of students Efforts by USAC must be made to entice undergraduates to vote What’s USAC? My jaw dropped in astonishment. The Undergraduate Student Association Council elections loom ever so close, yet a first-year history student did not recognize the abbreviation for her own student government. I marveled at this […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Conspiracy theory doesn’t match up to reality
Tuesday, 4/29/97 Conspiracy theory doesn’t match up to reality Truth about streetcar decline more prosaic, complex than commonly held By Gene Kim This counterpoint article is written in response to Jonathan Ritter’s viewpoint piece, "Traffic problems in the L.A. area can be alleviated by supporting public transportation projects," which appeared in the Daily Bruin on […]
Tuesday, 4/29/97 Letters Justices’ official resignation Our fellow Bruins, It is after much thought and reflection that we, Jihad Saleh and James Burkhardt, hereby officially resign from our positions as UCLA Judicial Board Justices. The series of events that spurred this resignation stem from our dedication to personal integrity and our shared desire to better […]
Propaganda distorts Jewish beliefs
Tuesday, 4/29/97 Propaganda distorts Jewish beliefs Attacks on Zionism encourage intolerance, racist views Hatred deserves no place on our campus. And yet, over the past week, a campaign of hate has been waged against the Jews of UCLA. Sandwich boards bearing anti-Jewish propaganda – propaganda endorsed by several student groups and student government offices – […]
Zionist ideology equal to colonialist expansionism
Tuesday, 4/29/97 Zionist ideology equal to colonialist expansionism Movement rooted in oppression of Palestinians, racism By Pejman Novin This is addressed to all those people who attempt to smear individuals who disagree with the political ideology of Zionism. What is the issue? The issue is that Zionism is a European, political school of thought which […]
Incredibly true stories of news gone awry
Tuesday, 4/29/97 Incredibly true stories of news gone awry Journalists owe responsibility to society to report with objectivity OK, I understand that the average television show has no point other than entertain the viewer with thin humor and bad acting. However, going into a television show, the audience knows that it isn’t real, the story […]
Monday, 4/28/97 Letters Bruin Belle’s name change defended I am writing in response to Mimi Guzman’s Viewpoint article, which focused on the name change of the Bruin Belles Service Association. (April 23, 1997) As the current President of the organization, l would be remiss if I did not point out that a majority of our […]