Thursday, 5/1/97 Wearing your identity on your sleeve Words on clothes we wear reveal a lot about who we are, what we like This guy called Colley Cibber said: "As good be out of the world as out of the fashion." I have no idea who he is or what it means, but I fancy […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Thursday, 5/1/97 Letters Time bias I am writing this request to disallow groups from endorsing IVP candidates that did not allow candidates their one minute response at the April 28, 1997 IVP endorsement hearing, in violation of the procedures for the endorsement hearing. Although the mentioned groups "Passed" on their turn, they felt it their […]
Wednesday, 4/30/97 Cartoon
Hostage-holding terrorists deserve little sympathy
Wednesday, 4/30/97 Hostage-holding terrorists deserve little sympathy Government sends clear message that terrorism will not be tolerated, especially when innocent victims’ lives in jeopardy By Howard Kleinberg Immediately upon seeing, via history’s first live telecast of an assault on hostage-holding terrorists, that all 14 guerrillas died in the bloody climax, I recognized that soon the […]
Harsh reality lies under Peru
Wednesday, 4/30/97 Harsh reality lies under Peru Latest terrorist situation exemplifies President Fujimoris’ tyranny, inhumanity By Lisa Martinez For anyone who believes in fairness and human rights, the recent government massacre of the 14 rebels in Peru, most of whom were teenagers, was a disgusting and cynical show of violence and hatred before the world. […]
‘Firm foundation,’ spirituality are keys to success of nation
Wednesday, 4/30/97 ‘Firm foundation,’ spirituality are keys to success of nation Family values, religion must be part of building a healthy community (Black community development) must be completed in public school, industrial school and college. The most of it must be completed in the effort of the Negro himself, in his effort to withstand temptation, […]
USAC errors must be addressed
Wednesday, 4/30/97 USAC errors must be addressed Group lacks regard for checks and balances of system By Stanley Pham As a first-year student, I usually would never have the nerve to write to the Daily Bruin, but the feature in last Thursday’s paper, "A place of their own," was the straw that broke the proverbial […]