Women’s studies major fails to give competitive edge

Friday, 5/9/97 Women’s studies major fails to give competitive edge Course work strays from progress of feminist movement, plays into stereotypes of Victorian-era female The knowledge that several hundred colleges and universities offer a major that denigrates the status of women in America should rightfully disturb many people. However, despite the fact that the women’s […]


Thursday, 5/8/97 Letters Ethical advertising Students First! should be ashamed of itself for so grossly misusing student government funds to pay for a full-page campaign ad taken out in yesterday’s Daily Bruin. A democratic and fair election process demands that no candidates possess institutional advantages by virtue of incumbency. This is why, for example, in […]


Thursday, 5/8/97 Rebuttals Editor’s Note: I deeply regret not publishing these statements yesterday, along with the other candidates’ rebuttal statements. I can offer no satisfactory explanation. The Bruin strongly encourages/hopes readers will give these candidates equal consideration in their voting decision. Geoff Martin Viewpoint Editor Ali Mohempour Academic Affairs As the Academic Affairs commissioner, I […]

Academic Affairs

Wednesday, 5/7/97 Academic Affairs Max Espinoza Although there were two strong candidates for this office, Max Espinoza’s status as a successful incumbent makes the choice obvious. Espinoza has been an active and visible student advocate this year. His knowledge of university politics is a valuable asset in student government, particularly in an office as challenging […]