Friday, 5/9/97 Women’s studies major fails to give competitive edge Course work strays from progress of feminist movement, plays into stereotypes of Victorian-era female The knowledge that several hundred colleges and universities offer a major that denigrates the status of women in America should rightfully disturb many people. However, despite the fact that the women’s […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Want me to fly you to Vegas?
Thursday, 5/8/97 Want me to fly you to Vegas? After a realistic glimpse into the powerful world of a mafioso, the desire to be a mafia girlfriend may be better left only in your dreams. I’ve been reading the book, "You’ll Never Make Love in This Town Again," a positively fascinating, in-depth portrait of Hollywood […]
Thursday, 5/8/97 Letters Ethical advertising Students First! should be ashamed of itself for so grossly misusing student government funds to pay for a full-page campaign ad taken out in yesterday’s Daily Bruin. A democratic and fair election process demands that no candidates possess institutional advantages by virtue of incumbency. This is why, for example, in […]
Thursday, 5/8/97 Rebuttals Editor’s Note: I deeply regret not publishing these statements yesterday, along with the other candidates’ rebuttal statements. I can offer no satisfactory explanation. The Bruin strongly encourages/hopes readers will give these candidates equal consideration in their voting decision. Geoff Martin Viewpoint Editor Ali Mohempour Academic Affairs As the Academic Affairs commissioner, I […]
Is cheating the only way to get ahead in society?
Thursday, 5/8/97 Is cheating the only way to get ahead in society? Morality often takes a back seat in cases of personal self-interest Before I dare delve into another topic, I am compelled to respond to last Monday’s letter to the editor written by three Bruin Vision candidates stating that I was misinformed about their […]
Hypocrisy honored by degree
Thursday, 5/8/97 Hypocrisy honored by degree Professors cram quarters with material, make students forgo thought, retain only what’s required By Bryan Szabo Let’s be candid. We really don’t have time to be anything else, now do we? Oh, go ahead and spin. Tell me you have time to do all the things that need to […]
Academic Affairs
Wednesday, 5/7/97 Academic Affairs Max Espinoza Although there were two strong candidates for this office, Max Espinoza’s status as a successful incumbent makes the choice obvious. Espinoza has been an active and visible student advocate this year. His knowledge of university politics is a valuable asset in student government, particularly in an office as challenging […]