Monday, 5/12/97 Mother’s Day magnifies loving memories, regrets Holiday inspires reflections on love for deceased mom By Guesh Cuan Yesterday was Mother’s Day, and I was wearing black. It reminded me of my mom. She hated it whenever I wore black from head to toe. "Black is not for a young lotus flower like you […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Confronting, not avoiding issue of sex
Monday, 5/12/97 Confronting, not avoiding issue of sex Responsibility lies with parents, not society, to regulate explicit imagery A few days ago, my friends and I were leisurely strolling through the Sculpture Garden discussing the many interpretations of the pieces of art that are located there. The only really strange thing about the venture was […]
Monday, 5/12/97 Letters UCLA education doesn’t promote thinking It is about time somebody was honest about UCLA, education and intelligence. I would like to congratulate Bryan Szabo’s article (Friday, "Hypocrisy honored by degree"), despite its defensive rhetoric. UCLA is a bastion of bulimic intelligence, not critical intelligence. Not to say that UCLA students are stupid; […]
Seeking an identity in the United States
Monday, 5/12/97 Seeking an identity in the United States Your surrounding culture, not race, define who you are The values of the culture that surrounds you are more important in determining your identity than your blood quantum and skin color is. How do you normally answer the question, "What are you?" Do you refer only […]
‘Experiments’ only mask abuse
Friday, 5/9/97 ‘Experiments’ only mask abuse Vivisection considered unscientific research, a way to justify grants By Jack Carone As one of the speakers quoted in your front-page coverage (April 25) of the anti-vivisection rally in Meyerhoff Park, I would like to clarify several points and take exception to others. Regarding grant overhead (additional funds received […]
Year spent in Italy makes profound impression upon student’s memory
Friday, 5/9/97 Year spent in Italy makes profound impression upon student’s memory Going abroad offers new perspectives on culture, language, self-discovery By Barbara Klein I am nearly finished with my education here at UCLA. In these past few weeks, I have found myself reflecting on my college experiences. Looking back now, I realize I have […]
Friday, 5/9/97 LETTERS Earthquake predictions, construction and more Ways to predict I wish to clarify an issue raised in Kathryn Combs’ article on earthquake predictions, which appeared in the April 24 edition of The Bruin. The geophysicists quoted in the article stated that no model exists and no tests have been done to predict the […]