Tuesday, 5/20/97 Column misses point of women’s studies program EDUCATION: Writer’s life turned around because of UCLA department By Jeremy Wintringer I would like to respond to your article "Women’s Studies Major Fails to Give Competitive Edge." When I heard that someone had "bashed" women’s studies in The Bruin, I was very concerned, but wanted […]
Category Archives: Opinion
SAGE strikes for rights against corporate UCs
Monday, 5/19/97 SAGE strikes for rights against corporate UCs Administration behaves more like a hard-line business instead of learning institution This week, hundreds of UCLA academic student employees (ASEs) will go on strike as part of a continued campaign to force the administration to recognize their collective bargaining rights. Echoing last fall’s walkout, teaching assistants, […]
Ad snafu dramatizes need for change
Monday, 5/19/97 Ad snafu dramatizes need for change Revision of USAC’s bylaws would prevent further controversial funding incidents The confrontation between the Undergraduate Students’ Association Council and an anti-Students First! coalition in 400 Kerckhoff Hall on Thursday night demands a word or two. When bad blood between student groups on campus turns a government office […]
For repression not refreshment…Coke is it
Monday, 5/19/97 For repression not refreshment…Coke is it Buying a soft drink may be supporting the death of democracy in Nigeria By Guido Grasso-Knight Swarthmore College Courtesy of University Wire You’re hot and thirsty. You’ve just finished four hours of Orgo studying and a Psych attachment, and it’s one in the morning. The obvious solution […]
Regents silence proposal with system’s machinery
Monday, 5/19/97 Regents silence proposal with system’s machinery Parliamentary procedures used to avoid debate, difficult questions Today, I watched the hand-picked instruments of power and privilege crush a proposal by Regents Ward Connerly and Jess Bravin that would have finally ended the special, back door "VIP" admissions policy in the UC system. What I witnessed […]
Try socialism again for the first time
Friday, 5/16/97 Try socialism again for the first time EDUCATION Liberal ideas have made colleges more accessible to all classes By Dale Chapman Unlike Daniel Rego, I was NOT ecstatic to see Tuesday’s article "Socialism blocks path to progress." Moreover, I was appalled to see a first-year student, with several years of tuition ahead of […]
Try socialism again for the first time
Friday, 5/16/97 Try socialism again for the first time IDEOLOGY Misinformed attacks based on ignorance, homophobia and lack of perspective on subject By Garrick Ruiz So I was sitting in class Tuesday and I opened up Viewpoint and what do I find? An article by Dan Sharron of the University of Washington titled "Socialism blocks […]