
Thursday, 5/22/97 Letters Political stance clarification While I appreciate The Bruin printing my letter, I would like to mildly chasten them for their presentation of my response. Putting my name next to a big, fat hammer and sickle on the front page of the Daily Bruin is perhaps just a LITTLE bit inflammatory, and not […]

Religion and politics

Thursday, 5/22/97 Religion and politics Israel’s democratic. Jewish qualities can coexist in delicate balance By Netanel Livni In my experience, most Jews in the United States support the strong line between church and state, opposing any involvement by the government in religious affairs. This is evident through many Jewish organizations’ opposition to prayer in schools […]

Religion and politics

Thursday, 5/22/97 Religion and politics Religion a social construct which serves to enforce cultural laws By Jake Sexton "If God did not exist it would be necessary to invent Him." — Voltaire I guess I am the token agnostic/atheist on this panel. Actually, I’m a skeptic, meaning that I don’t believe in anything. When I […]

Speaks Out

Thursday, 5/22/97 Speaks Out We asked students on campus ‘What is the relationship between religion and politics in contemporary social and political discourse?’ BULF ANDERSON: In my opinion, (religion) should be outside of the political life, because in Sweden, for example, the government church is supported by public taxes, even if you are not a […]

Religion and politics

Thursday, 5/22/97 Religion and politics Political actions of ‘religious right’ groups oppress gay community By David Bain "If homosexuality were the normal way, God would have made Adam and Bruce." — Anita Bryant, New York Times, June 5, 1977 The Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/ Transgendered (LGBT) community can not often come to a point of consensus. We are […]

Religion and politics

Thursday, 5/22/97 Religion and politics Separation of church and state against inclusive tenets of Islam By Masood Khan In modern Western politics, there is a clear separation of church and state. The roots of this separation lie in the Renaissance, an era when intellectuals stretched the bounds of human reasoning beyond what the Church deemed […]