Letter to the Editor: Bruins need to rebuild LA instead of taking anger to the streets

In response to the result of the 2016 presidential election and the outspoken reactions from the community, the Daily Bruin is running a series of submissions from readers. Click here to read more. As an alumnus, I am disappointed in those of you who took to the streets after the election shouting, “Not my president.” I would […]

Submission: Bruins should respect post-election coping methods

In response to the result of the 2016 presidential election and the outspoken reactions from the community, the Daily Bruin is running a series of submissions from readers. Click here to read more. People deal with devastating news in different ways. Some lash out in anger, others retreat into solitude and some deal with it through comedy. […]

Letter to the Editor: Trump does not represent California voters

In response to the result of the 2016 presidential election and the outspoken reactions from the community, the Daily Bruin is running a series of submissions from readers. Click here to read more. Fellow Californians and UCLA students, I write to you with a heavy heart. We woke up on Nov. 9 in a reality we did […]

Submission: UCLA must do better to accommodate students’ post-election strife

In response to the result of the 2016 presidential election and the outspoken reactions from the community, the Daily Bruin is running a series of submissions from readers. Click here to read more. I did not have class on Wednesday, and that is probably the only reason why I was able to survive hearing the news of […]

Letter to the Editor: End of Clinton’s campaign does not end the fight for what is right

In her concession speech yesterday, Hillary Clinton said, “To all of us, and to the young people in particular … This loss hurts, but please never stop believing that fighting for what’s right is worth it.” The first heartbreak I felt last night was for my country. A country founded upon freedom, liberty and equality, […]

Karishma Daibee: UCLA must stop marketing campus hospitality over educational concerns

This post was updated Nov. 10 at 5:20 p.m. Flexitarians of UCLA: Rejoice, for there is a new flexitarian bar opening at De Neve dining hall next quarter. Finally, you can live your life the way you’ve always imagined and realize your true destiny. Your academic dreams will come to fruition, and all the while, […]