Editorial: UCSF’s outsourcing of IT jobs sets a dangerous precedent

It seems the University of California’s way of showing it cares for its skilled workers is to fire them and hire cheaper, foreign contract labor. This is ironic to say the least. [Related: New IT contract at UCSF to lay off current workers] Come February, UC San Francisco will be laying off nearly 50 of […]

Jacqueline Alvarez: Professors must work to engage students in large lectures

Hundreds of sleepy-looking Bruins slouch into their seats. The professor stands behind a podium, though it’s hard to determine whether he’s reading the lecture speech for the first or 50th time. An entire hour has passed since the audience was last prompted for questions, yet the room has collectively sent more than 50 Facebook messages […]

Submission: Student involvement, prepared candidates key to fulfill USAC’s potential

It is common knowledge that students are apathetic toward the UCLA student government. With lackluster and rarely completed platforms, rampant groupthink and disregard for campaign decency, most of us feel even thinking about becoming involved in our Undergraduate Students Association Council a waste of time. This is understandable, as numerous politically active students avoid USAC […]

Aaron Julian: Californians must challenge ideological inconsistency shown in Prop. 66

California, a blue state that leads by example on most progressive policies, went red this past election cycle on an important issue. Somehow, the values of the Democratic Party and progressives alike proved baseless when the liberal populace of California voted not only to keep the death penalty via Proposition 66, but also chose to […]