In my first quarter here at UCLA, I have quickly come to realize that elite college campuses, including our own, are hotspots for the development of identity politics. We see this in special-interest fraternities, racial and cultural student groups, the LGBT Campus Resource Center, discriminatory hiring processes and most poignantly, the multitude of anti-Donald Trump […]
Category Archives: Opinion
Opinion editors: Trump must govern with dignity to unite America
It seems the President’s obsession with making America great again means leaving half of it by the wayside. Friday marks the first day of President Donald Trump’s term. Historians will look back on this past election as a watershed moment in American politics. But among the many things future students might be quizzed on, we […]
Editorial Cartoon: I’m gonna be late
Guillaume Kosmala: Students will bear the financial burden of Trump’s tax reforms
According to a recent report, the eight richest individuals in the world have as much combined wealth as the poorest 50 percent. In other words, at a small inconvenience to eight inordinately rich men, the living standard of half of the world’s people could be doubled. In fact, new research by economist Thomas Piketty shows […]
Editorial: State must prioritize transit projects following Trump’s funding cuts
California will soon have more than just a potential budget problem on its hands. Donald Trump will be sworn in as president Friday, and the Republican-unified federal government will work in earnest to achieve its partisan agenda. And while Trump’s policies are still up for grabs, the Republican party has laid out the items on […]
Editorial cartoon: Amateurs
Aaron Julian: Students should turn to protest methodology aimed at reducing chasm
Just as in the timeless football movie classics “Remember the Titans” and “Friday Night Lights,” our politics has turned into two different inspiring half-time speeches by politicians, pundits and comedians to incite anger and energy against one another. But now, our outrage and contempt for the other team has eclipsed our desire to even meet […]