With alleged sexual predators walking freely both on campus and in the Oval Office, tensions surrounding women’s rights and sexual health are higher than ever. The political rhetoric as of late has been saturated with debate over the utility of protesters “disrupting” Gabriel Piterberg’s class while the prospective effectiveness of a new systemwide Title IX […]
Category Archives: Opinion
No Offense, But: Metro and Memes
No Offense is back for another week. Chris Campbell and Keshav Tadimeti are joined by special guests Jeong Park and Austin Ma to talk about public transportation’s burgeoning role in LA society. Later, they move on to the important issues: the proliferation of school-related internet meme pages and their impact on the educational institutions they […]
Editorial: UCLA must prioritize finding space to expand CAPS on campus
Last year, UCLA broke ground on building an expansive sports center – a behemoth the likes of which the campus had never seen before. To date, however, the less flashy Counseling and Psychological Services center has struggled to find any additional new space. Counseling and Psychological Services is the primary mental health center at UCLA […]
Abhishek Shetty: Proposed reform of Prop 13 will not guarantee funds for the UC
If you pick up a flyer on Bruin Walk from the external vice president’s office espousing how Proposition 13 reform would help avoid tuition hikes, remember to file it under fake news when you get home. The University of California Students Association, as part of its fund the UC program, is aiming to instigate reform […]
Mariah Furtek: Dining Services must improve survey, expand as enrollment increases
If UCLA students manage to escape the “Freshman 15” it won’t be because of a new workout regime – it’ll be because of the long lines they face to get food. Scott Waugh, the executive vice chancellor and provost, has confirmed in an open letter UCLA’s commitment to enroll 1,500 additional undergraduates over the course […]
Submission: Greek life organizations should internalize, facilitate diversity
Previous Daily Bruin articles regarding Greek life have made clear the Greek life system’s intent to upgrade the way it addresses diversity on campus. Former Interfraternity Council President Derek Bergmann’s submission pointed out several initiatives to demonstrate that fraternity leadership “has prioritized education concerning racial and gender identity.” But while Greek life’s current diversity efforts […]
Arman Sharif: Respecting all views doesn’t mean legitimizing hate speech
There is a myth that sensitive “snowflake” students demand safe spaces, the destroyers of dialogue that impede vibrant educational exchange in universities. Critics often zero in on the fragile, progressive “social justice warrior” – the more liberal and politically correct, the better – although some college conservatives have echoed these demands for safety as […]