Emily Merz: Available space at Ashe Center should be allocated for CAPS expansion

After two suicides on campus last quarter and with midterm season approaching, UCLA cannot afford to put the mental health of students on the back burner any longer. A 17 percent increase in students visiting Counseling and Psychological Services fall quarter has left students facing long wait times for appointments – up to five weeks for […]

Clea Wurster: Fraternities should abolish misogynistic men-to-women ratio policies

Fraternity members are 300 percent more likely to commit a rape, according to a study thrice confirmed. It’s no wonder that college women often head to Greek parties with a cautious attitude and an army of peers to face the frats. Fraternities often adhere to an unofficial policy called the “frat ratio,” which seeks to […]

Submission: UC should accommodate students affected by recent executive order

On Jan. 27, President Donald Trump signed an executive order barring citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States. The ban includes some international students who are already enrolled in American universities. Princeton University has sent emails advising students against leaving the United States while the implications of the ban are still […]

Chris Busco: LA should increase incentives for developing affordable housing

If Los Angeles is going to solve its affordable housing crisis anytime soon, it’s on the wrong track. A lack of incentives for developers have left the cities’ supposed solutions with largely lackluster results. LA is home to one of the most expensive housing markets in the nation, a fact that hits cash-strapped college students […]

Editorial: Donor-funded construction projects should consider impact on students

On Wednesday, a University of California Regents committee approved the Anderson School of Management’s expansion, fully funded by donors. But like many donor projects before it, a campus service fell casualty to the expansion – this time, 60 parking spots in Parking Structure 5. Sacrificing existing resources, particularly student services, in favor of donor-funded expansion […]

Kristina Iliopoulos: ASUCLA should collect change to donate to charity

When it’s not being used for laundry or as a campaign slogan, change can be absolutely useless. Getting something in return that you don’t want is a big turn-off for paying with cash, and all that change – other than quarters – tends to just gather dust. However, UCLA could use this information to make […]