Chris Busco: Neglected on-campus bathrooms soil student experience, UCLA’s reputation

Everyone remembers their first trip to Powell Library: the imposing structure, vaulted ceilings and ornate decorations coming together to create the quintessential college experience. But for many, that picture shatters the moment they attempt to use the restroom after their first all-night study session – only to find a postapocalyptic scene characterized by toilet paper […]

Submission: CALPIRG’s stance on fracking is misguided, unrealistic

We have all had our walks to classes interrupted by those exceptionally motivated California Public Interest Research Group volunteers. One of the group’s main goals this quarter is to ban fracking, a natural gas extraction method. Don’t get me wrong, the CALPIRG objective has merit – fracking is a very water-intensive method of natural gas […]

Letter to the Editor: ECE parent community not unified in disapproval of Jayanti Tambe

We were dismayed to read your editorial “UCLA child care center must address parents’ calls for change”. Overall the Editorial contains inaccuracies, misrepresents the UCLA Early Care and Education parent community, is unnecessarily unfair to Jayanti Tambe and contains an ominous threat of removal for center directors and several teachers. Our main rebuttal is the […]

Aaron Julian: USAC needs to implement exit polls to decrease voter complacency

Our leaders are only as good as the people they represent. It is easy to complain about inaction from some of the Undergraduate Students Association Council members we’ve entrusted with hundreds of thousands of our student fee dollars. But they are only as incompetent as we are as voters. Don’t forget, the last cycle of […]

Editorial: Westwood association must rethink food truck parking policies

The food truck business can be tough – especially when the neighborhood doesn’t consider it a real business. The Westwood Village Improvement Association is considering a parking law change to crack down on food trucks in Westwood. Under the proposed change, which will be voted on Thursday, traffic officers would be able to give food […]

Mariah Furtek: UCLA should provide adequate space in its gyms for students

Picture a group of sweaty bodies gyrating in time to blaring music, grouped so tightly together they are unable to move freely. No, this isn’t part of Los Angeles’ unregulated, underground club scene – it’s your average Tuesday afternoon workout class at the overcrowded and underdeveloped John Wooden Center. UCLA Recreation’s facilities are no longer […]