While the Los Angeles mayoral candidate field is crowded, it’s clear Eric Garcetti is the king of the hill. And Los Angeles voters would be remiss not to give him a second term. This board endorses Garcetti for mayor because of his innovative outlook, his accomplishments as the current mayor of LA and – most […]
Category Archives: Opinion
City Election: Yes on Measure H
Homelessness has been a major issue in Los Angeles for decades. The city has taken numerous steps in the past few years to alleviate the crisis, and Measure H is necessary to keep that progress going. Nearly 47,000 people in LA County were homeless in 2016, and 74 percent of them were unsheltered. This problem […]
City Election: Yes on Measure M, No on Measure N
California voters legalized the possession of recreational marijuana in November, giving local governments the responsibility of regulating how marijuana is grown and sold. Measure M and Measure N provide two distinct processes to draft regulations in Los Angeles – the former prioritizes public input and collaboration while the latter heavily favors the medical marijuana industry. […]
City Election: Yes on Measure P
It might seem trivial to extend the maximum period for harbor department leases from 50 to 66 years, but the economic benefits from Measure P’s passage are anything but; consequently, this board endorses Measure P. If approved, Measure P will allow the Port of Los Angeles, which maintains the commercial and industrial complexes on the […]
City Election: No on Measure S
When roughly one in three renters in Los Angeles is forced to spend more than half their income on rent, a measure that will curb housing development and supply is hardly the solution. Measure S places sweeping restrictions on construction with a two-year moratorium on any development projects that require a General Plan amendment or […]
Submission: Discount roof parking will improve lot utilization, efficiency
UCLA strongly supports social and economic equality, but its parking system makes the Titanic look like a one-class ship. There are 48 different types of parking permits, ranked according to the status of faculty, staff and students. To explain this byzantine parking hierarchy called “parking privileges,” UCLA published an 84-page guide. Despite the UCLA Transportation’s […]
Andiver Castellanos: Administration should better publicize academic probation resources
Oftentimes, students that go through academic probation are stigmatized and shamed for it, but people forget to realize that universities often do not publicize the resources available to these students. According to its website, UCLA will place a student on academic probation if their term or overall grade point average falls between 1.5 and 1.99. […]