Letter to the Editor: Using anonymous source misrepresents ECE administrators

UCLA commissioned a task force to gather the thoughts and experiences of the Early Childhood Education community, to honestly reflect them in its report and to offer recommendations designed to help all of us move forward constructively in the important task of educating our young children. Unfortunately, the Daily Bruin published a story today containing […]

Abhishek Shetty: AB-1887 travel ban should exempt academic pursuits

A UCLA professor is on the brink of finishing a seminal paper, but needs to meet one last time with a professor from the University of Kansas. But California won’t let him go, just so they can send a message to Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback. Last September, the California state legislature passed Assembly Bill 1887, […]

Editorial: Westwood’s lackluster businesses fail to address local needs

Since the 1980s, Westwood Village has been known for its vacancies and lackluster businesses. That fact doesn’t look to be changing anytime soon, and property owners on Glendon Avenue are a big part of the problem. Glendon Avenue has had little foot traffic compared to some of its sister streets in Westwood. The avenue has […]

Clea Wurster: Study abroad program must make health care information more accessible

Joe Bruin is in Argentina with the flu, which is rendering him incapable of wandering the streets of Buenos Aires to find a doctor in a language he has a hard time grasping. Luckily, he attended an orientation at the beginning of his UCLA study abroad program, but can’t find information about healthcare now that […]

No Offense, But: City of Angels

This week on No Offense, Opinion editors Chris Campbell and Keshav Tadimeti are joined by columnist Abhishek Shetty and talk about the future of development in Los Angeles, in light of the variety of ballot measures in this week’s city elections. Next, they transition to rumors of LA Mayor Eric Garcetti running for higher political […]

No Offense, But: TAs and Kim Jong Nam

This week on No Offense, assistant Opinion editor Keshav Tadimeti and columnist Abhishek Shetty talk about the shortage of teacher’s assistants in the life science and physical sciences department, and what UCLA needs to do to make sure discussion sections, well, happen. Later, they switch gears and talk about the role of reality shows in […]

Lydiette De Jesus: Departments must meet student demand, expand classes for minors

Nothing is more stressful than seeing the class you need to graduate fill up, with no waiting list in sight. That’s the case with seniors vying for the Global Health 100: “Global Health and Development” next quarter. The global health minor, created in fall 2015, requires the class as one of its mandatory upper-division core […]