Editorial: UCLA’s proposed housing projects should accommodate all students

A bit of claustrophobia is not a unique experience in on-campus housing. With UC-mandated enrollment increases, UCLA is going to have to start spreading students out instead of cramming them in. Last week, UCLA revealed five proposed sites where it could add residence halls or apartment buildings to provide room for 6,900 new undergraduate beds. […]

Keshav Tadimeti: USAC must dedicate general representative office to student outreach

This post was updated March 13 at 3:30 p.m. Little known secret: the undergraduate student government has a bit of an outreach problem. Okay, I misspoke. The 14-member council actually has a big outreach problem. Despite an ad hoc committee’s attempts to get broader student input on how to reform the council or the general […]

Editorial: Proposed UC nonresident enrollment cap requires state legislature input

Over the past few years, the California state Legislature has readily criticized and attempted to micromanage the University of California. But in the wake of the UC’s proposed nonresident enrollment cap, the state has gone silent – and at the worst possible time. [Related: UC to vote on proposal to limit nonresident enrollment to 20 […]

Colossus: Civic identity and the Angeleno dream

The decisions city leaders make over the next few years can determine whether LA becomes a thriving metropolis influenced by its suburban roots or just another overcrowded city that can’t meet its residents’ needs. Daily Bruin Opinion examines how the city can establish a new civic identity over the coming years.

Chris Campbell: Modern Angeleno identity has to resolve fault lines of uneven growth

Introduction Imagine stepping into a time machine and traveling 100 years into the future. You find out that the city of Fargo, North Dakota, once barely a speck on the map, has become the country’s second-largest metropolis and the place to be for cosmopolitans and immigrants of every stripe – an internationally renowned commercial and […]

William Zou: The solution to crime lies in communication, not incarceration

Henry Olivera grew up in a labyrinth of violence, gangs and incarceration. Olivera was raised in Compton, a region in Los Angeles notorious for its gang-related crimes. He contended with a legion of negative influences, including pressure to join gangs, distrust of law enforcement and negligently underfunded high schools. Yet despite having overcome these obstacles, […]