Submission: Students should defend pursuit of knowledge through March for Science

There is a growing disparity between scientists’ and the general public’s views on a number of issues central to public policy, such as the safety of genetically modified foods and pesticides, human activity as a cause of global warming and childhood vaccinations. The public seems increasingly comfortable rejecting broad scientific consensus to favor opinions based […]

Pravin Visakan: UCLA should offer college degree program for prison inmates

With sleepless nights, budding caffeine addictions and obscure curricula, a college education at UCLA might seem more like a punitive measure than anything else. However, a college degree represents increased opportunity and can further one’s potential for employment and self-fulfillment – especially for those who need it most, namely, prison inmates. California currently suffers from […]

Editorial: Addressing human rights would clarify UC’s stance on Dakota pipeline

Students often protest with signs and chants, but universities can protest with money. And while the University of California has been vocal about a great many matters such as immigration and fossil fuels, its messaging over Dakota Access pipeline lacks the clarity necessary for a major humanitarian issue. Last month, university regents announced the UC […]

Chris Busco: Proposed bill AB 1356 is practical step to affordable higher education

For years, free college tuition has been nothing more than a platitude enthusiastically repeated by liberal politicians at political rallies. This year, assembly member Susan Talamantes Eggman changed that. Her recently proposed bill, AB 1356, could turn free tuition for California residents from a pipe dream into a reality. As college costs skyrocket, more and […]

Jasmine Aquino: The UC needs to officially declare as sanctuary campuses

The University of California has repeatedly described itself as a “sanctuary campus” that protects the rights of undocumented students, but it’s missing an important step: actually making that description an official designation. While the undocumented immigrant population in the United States, especially in the Latino community, is having a crisis-level standoff with the federal government, […]

Austin Pink: More programs like Assembly Bill 34 cannot replace direct funding for UC

In January, the University of California Board of Regents voted to increase the cost of tuition for the 2017-2018 academic year following a six-year price freeze. One regent called the price hike a “Band-Aid,” but it won’t keep California education from bleeding out. Amid backlash from students, the California State Assembly introduced Assembly Bill 34 […]