Editorial: City efforts to combat street dumping must better reach UCLA students

Sofas and mattresses don’t belong on the streets. But tell that to the student struggling to get rid of unwanted furniture. Westwood lives in a quadrennial flux. Amid the ever-changing student body and hubbub of graduation, North Village – where many students live – is marred by unwanted mattresses and discolored sofas. Councilmember Paul Koretz […]

Aaron Julian: USAC should foster joint efforts between EVP, other offices

Rafi Sands has had a pretty busy year. The incumbent Undergraduate Students Association Council external vice president and his office have lobbied at UCLA, Sacramento and the District of Columbia for both the presidential and Los Angeles elections – both of which were crucial to the future of LA and UCLA. It was reaffirming to […]

Submission: Weekly protests resist normalization of Trump administration

A group of students, staff and faculty stand in front of Bunche Hall with protest signs every Monday. We gather there to bear witness to the Orwellian nightmare that is the presidency of Donald Trump, and to let the world know that we cannot let this become normal. We demonstrate because we fear that the […]

Emily Merz: Westwood council is responsible for preventing greedy real estate deals

Shady real estate deals are not just for presidents – they’re popular in Los Angeles too. The problem starts at the very beginning of the approval process: neighborhood councils. Developer influence in Westwood is not new, and it could continue to harm economic vitality in the Village. If developers can buy their way into approval, […]

Editorial: Online voting would increase turnout in neighborhood council elections

It’s no secret people don’t show up to vote – especially at local elections. And Westwood is no exception. Just ask the 496 people who showed up to vote on behalf of the roughly 50,000-strong neighborhood in 2016’s Westwood Neighborhood Council election. It’s obvious the way members of the neighborhood access local ballots is in […]

Jonathan Friedland: Independent USAC election candidates can bring new, broader perspectives

This year’s undergraduate student government elections will feature 10 independent candidates, which could supersede the embarrassment of a presidential candidate running unopposed for next year’s council. For years, the Undergraduate Students Association Council has been dominated by a two-slate system. Most recently, the prevailing slates have been Bruins United and the remnants of LET’S ACT!. […]

Scott Bays: UCLA must go digital for written assignments to reduce paper usage

A two-page essay once a week. Five eight-page essays with title pages, bibliographies and endnotes. By my estimation, I used almost 75 pages of paper on these written assignments last quarter alone. After I’m done writing this column, I’m going to print four more pages. And there are nearly 31,000 other undergraduate students like me. […]