Aaron Julian: Conservative campus groups should start constructive dialogue

It seems that after all the noise of the presidential election, we have forgotten about the most important characteristic of political and intellectual environments: balance. It goes without saying that UCLA is an overtly left-leaning school – Bruins donate to mostly Democratic candidates, and faculty members were willing enough to do things like reschedule exams […]

Clea Wurster: UC must back Senate Bill 320 to improve abortion accessibility

The University of California has been hesitant to come out in support of accessible abortion for students. California Sen. Connie Leyva proposed Senate Bill 320 in February, which would require California colleges to offer medication abortion services at student health centers if there is a pharmacy, or to provide transportation to a health care center […]

Pravin Visakan: Charter Amendment C will lead to ineffective reform of LAPD misconduct

The Los Angeles Police Department has a troubled history with officer misconduct. The city is trying something new to address this problem, however. Charter Amendment C, an initiative on the May 16 municipal ballot, represents a well-intentioned, but ineffective attempt to tweak the formula of internal police misconduct reviews. The measure would give officers accused […]

Editorial: Angelenos must vote against Charter Amendment C, hold LAPD accountable

Charter Amendment C is a city measure on the May 16 Los Angeles ballot. Angelenos will also vote for city council members and LA Unified School District board members during the May 16 elections. Plainly read, Charter Amendment C, might seem to uphold democracy by holding police accountable. In reality, it will do nothing to […]

Editorial: UC lacks transparency, exploits lecturers by cutting benefits

The University of California needs a lecture or two on how to treat its lecturers. UC’s chief negotiator said early March that summer lecturers at UCLA and several other campuses will lose their retirement benefits starting summer 2017. The UC isn’t required to provide retirement benefits under its agreement with the American Federation of Teachers […]

Abhishek Shetty: State legislators must be more realistic about UC funding constraints

State legislators might seem to care about the well-being of the University of California and its students, but it was painfully clear they came to the dealing table with a deck of marked cards when they negotiated a nonresident enrollment cap with the UC. At a March meeting, the UC Board of Regents had discussed […]

Letter to the Editor: Administrative fees on contributions to UCLA are realistic, not harmful

With regard to Sandra Wenceslao’s column “UCLA’s fee on contributions can deter potential donors, harm students,” while I share her desire for donations to be donated, fully, to intended causes, her views read naively. It’s simply not a reality. Nonprofit entities do not abandon business considerations simply because they eschew profits. Employees need to be […]