Editorial: USAC council members must lay clearer timeline for platform projects

Whenever an Undergraduate Students Association Council member completes a platform in the final stages of their term, or even later, it’s often accompanied by a excuse about tedious logistics planning. This year is no exception. Just last week, nearly two weeks after formally leaving office, Ariel Rafalian, former Financial Supports commissioner, launched a service for […]

Erin Nguyen: UCLA should tap into local tech presence, offer esports program

If electronic sports viewers were their own nation, they’d be on track to become the third largest in the world by 2019 – move over, Indonesia. Esports is a growing subculture in the video game industry in which people can watch professional players deck it out in popular team-strategy games such as League of Legends, […]

William Zou: Commission needed to keep LA to Olympics sustainability goals

For Angelenos, water scarcity is a way of life, from low-pressure shower heads and “H2Love” billboards that tower over LA traffic, to brown lawns and smart-metering installations. But city planners might have to contend with yet another bump in the road to environmental “greenness”: the 2024 Olympics. Hosting a successful and sustainable Olympics in LA […]

No Offense, But: Inclusion and Chocolate

No Offense is back for another week with all your favorites! Chris Campbell, Keshav Tadimeti, Abhishek Shetty and Jacqueline Alvarez gather to talk about the work done by Vice Chancellor of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Jerry Kang – and the work his office still has left. Later, the conversation gets sweeter as they opine on […]

Chris Campbell: Newly elected LA school board must improve charter school accessibility

We can all agree Los Angeles needs better schools. Whether that means appending the word “charter” is a bit more contentious. And contentious is the perfect word to describe Tuesday’s Los Angeles Board of Education election, especially when it comes to the Westside’s own contest between incumbent board President Steve Zimmer and challenger Nick Melvoin. […]

Editorial: Cultural sensitivity training should be required for UCLA students, employees

UCLA has a cultural insensitivity problem. Last week, the Afrikan Student Union released a list of demands to the administration after fallout from a photo of former Undergraduate Students Association Council President Danny Siegel flashing a gang sign. The demands include calls for more resources from the administration, like an endowment for black students and […]

Stuart Key: Single-payer health care bill unrealistic, will face financial challenges

California has a new health trend, but it’s more complicated than just eating a lot of kale. California lawmakers reacted to the possible repeal of former President Barack Obama’s health care law, the Affordable Care Act, in February by introducing Senate Bill 562, a single-payer health care system to ensure coverage for every Californian. The […]