Abhishek Shetty: UCLA should look at undergraduate TAs as short-term fix to TA shortage

The instructed may soon become the instructors. At least, that’s what UCLA might look like if the UCLA Academic Senate was to take a stronger approach to the campus’ teaching assistants shortage. It’s no secret the UC is in need of more graduate students. While the undergraduate student population has increased over the past few […]

Mariah Furtek: UCLA must improve professor accountability, accessibility for students

UCLA boasts a faculty roster almost as impressive as the starting lineup of its men’s basketball team, but these faculty members aren’t necessarily accessible to their students. The UCLA Academic Senate expects faculty members to hold office hours, yet it allows them the freedom to choose how to make themselves available to students. Unfortunately, some […]

William Bleveans: UCLA must reform grading policies to reinvigorate learning on campus

Finals week has us all stressed, and UCLA’s grading policies are to blame. UCLA’s letter grading model is nothing novel. Students are required to take their major-required classes for a letter grade, and those in good academic standing can take a limited number of nonmajor classes as pass/no pass per quarter. A grade of C […]

Andiver Castellanos: UCLA must consider creating resource center for campus black community

Imagine navigating a public university in which students of your ethnicity make up less than 5 percent of the undergraduate student body. Imagine your university experience plagued by things like parties centered around racially insensitive costumes and a photograph of your undergraduate student government president throwing up a gang sign like it means nothing. And […]

Submission: Focus on student engagement, transparency vital for success of USAC

Leadership without purpose is without vision. Allow me to share mine. My name is Arielle Yael Mokhtarzadeh. I am a third-year communication studies student with a double minor in public affairs and Israel studies. I have the honor and privilege of serving as your Undergraduate Students Association Council president for the 2017-18 academic year. I […]

Gael Adrien Mbama: Transgender students should be able to have preferred names on BruinCard

UCLA offers a very progressive environment to its students, with various programs and resources dedicated to marginalized students. Our university still has a long way to go to be fully trans-inclusive, however. UCLA’s transgender students who decide to go by a different name than their legal names are not allowed to put their chosen names […]