Growing up, forging friendships and facing challenges in the newsroom -30-

I had a lot of growing up to do when I first got to UCLA. I came from the smallest high school in a small city. My world was pretty black and white, and I was very green. The Daily Bruin newsroom is where I grew up. Where I made a ton of mistakes, both […]

Call to provoke thoughts, reach audiences achieved through The Bruin -30-

On Monday night of week seven, I stumbled upon a Facebook post sharing an article titled “Data, teachers’ allegations undermine Gompers’ college-ready promise.” Gompers Preparatory Academy was the high school I graduated from. The 3,000-word article proceeded to discount the validity of my “college preparedness.” While there may be some correlation between the quality of […]

How knowing the answers to small questions gave me confidence to lead -30-

I was in my first college discussion section. Italian history. The syllabus encouraged class participation to earn the highest grade. Our TA kicked off the section by asking about our thoughts on the reading. I looked at my notes – interpretations and questions I had jotted down in my course reader. I began to mentally […]

My greatest obstacle, coping mechanism and everything in between -30-

I spent most of my formative years thinking of openers for my college admissions essays. I had this distaste for those who sought to build Ivy League reputations that was ironic, really, given that I was preoccupied with college in my own right. My internal narrations weren’t just to feed college dreams, though – it […]

My college journey defined by the good times, the paper and the people -30-

Two weeks ago, as I sat in the Daily Bruin office with tears of frustration streaming down my face, I thought I had an idea of how this column would go. I’d use my 750 allotted words to vent about the people who made this year miserable for me, recounting all the mansplaining they did, […]

Reminiscing my joys, melancholy at the Daily Bruin -30-

I was stupid. Here’s why. When I first entered the Daily Bruin staff room during an open house my sophomore year, I embraced what had been a dream of mine: I was in an actual newsroom, a place I never figured I’d be during my collegiate career. After sitting down with the then-Sports editor, I […]

Pushing myself toward surprising, unpredictable accomplishments -30-

I remember waiting last year for -30- column drafts to come in, and everyone would offer the same excuse: “It’s so hard, I don’t know what to write!” Now I’m three days past deadline and the new Opinion editor is badgering me to finish spewing whatever sentimental bullshit I’ve accumulated over the past four years. […]