Editorial: CEC, CAC mishandle Bruin Bash, insult students with cavalier attitude

UCLA’s Campus Events Commission boasted on Facebook on Wednesday morning about how this year’s Bruin Bash ticket sales system would be an improvement from previous years’. Six hours later, it was more than obvious that wouldn’t be the case. This year, CEC and the Cultural Affairs Commission broke up Bruin Bash ticket sales into two […]

Submission: California assembly members must promote clean energy, support SB 100

As the heat wave making its way through California intensifies, leading to power outages and heightened risks of wildfires, we’re reminded of the dangers of climate change and the need to transition away from fossil fuels. California has the biggest opportunity in decades to make this shift. Right now, a bill to ensure that California […]

Erin Nguyen: Researchers should make findings more accessible with social media

Thanks to federal funding, the United States has been a world power in science research since World War II. Unfortunately, quack science is giving research a bad name – people distrust science when conflicting reports emerge such as those stating that everything we eat both cures and causes cancer. Earlier this year, the National Institutes […]

Letter to the Editor: USAC stands with undocumented Bruins in light of DACA

We, the UCLA Undergraduate Students Association Council, write to show our solidarity with undocumented students on our campus and across the country in light of the rescission of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. We condemn President Donald Trump’s administration’s termination of DACA and any subsequent attempts to persecute Dreamers, many of whom were brought to […]

Submission: Demonizing opposition does not solve issue of excessive immigration

In the Aug. 28 issue of the Daily Bruin, there is a submission titled “Bruins must stand against hate groups in face of professor involvement.” One of the online responses to this piece states that the author of the piece, Hector Prado, tries to “smear a professor.” That professor is me. Prado’s comments are full […]

Abhishek Shetty: Mayor should focus on city, not on building national political image

Placing bumper stickers on cars won’t transform you from a relatively unknown mayor to the 2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary winner. That’s a message that needs to be sent to whichever swing state or donor’s house Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti is in right now. In August, Garcetti traveled across the country to Manchester, New […]

Editorial Board: Drones in LAPD’s possession would increase likelihood of power misuse

Law enforcement accountability may once again soar over Los Angeles residents. And it will have happened at the hands of a commission meant to serve civilians. Last month, the Los Angeles Police Department held community meetings across the city to discuss a proposal to allow officers to use drones. The proposal will be voted on […]