No Offense, But: Fall 2017

No Offense, Daily Bruin Opinion’s radio show, is back for another year! Each week, members of Opinion staff will share their thoughts about what’s happening at UCLA, the University of California system and beyond. This week, Opinion editor Keshav Tadimeti and assistant Opinion editors Abhishek Shetty and Jacqueline Alvarez, start off by highlighting some of […]

Scott Bays: Attack on affirmative action is designed to appease conservatives

Those who worry some applicants receive unfair advantages in the college admissions process, have no fear. America’s legacy-admission-in-chief, President Donald Trump, and his administration are here to save the day. The United States Department of Justice circulated an internal memo in early August calling for attorneys interested in “investigations and possible litigation related to intentional […]

Letter to the Editor: Daily Bruin editorial exaggerates issues, misrepresents CEC’s position

On Sunday, the Daily Bruin published an editorial accusing me of “targeting the free press” and “barring reporter access.” In this same article, they compared my actions to current President Donald Trump. It is these comments that compel me to speak out. Firstly, as a woman of color, I find it abhorrent and offensive to […]

Editorial: CAC and CEC show lack of transparency by impeding free press

If President Donald Trump’s treatment of the media as “fake news” horrifies UCLA students, they needn’t look further than their own student government to see the same disregard for the free press. On Monday, thousands of students will gather in Pauley Pavilion to enjoy the annual Bruin Bash concert. The Daily Bruin has regularly covered […]

Editorial : Westwood Neighborhood Council needs better student outreach

Westwood boasts an impressive student population of about 45,000. But you wouldn’t know that from looking at the Westwood Neighborhood Council. The WWNC is a board of community members who advise Los Angeles City Council members about matters such as construction laws, business regulation and transportation in Westwood Village. But year after year, only two […]

Editorial: UCLA Transportation can improve by studying student transit needs

Take the Rapid 12 bus to the Expo Line station. Catch the Metro Red Line. And hopefully reach Union Station in under an hour and a half. Getting to and from campus often involves a labyrinth of transfers between bus and rail for UCLA commuters, and there is a clear need for an expedited transportation […]

Letter to our Readers: Submissions from the community are important

Dear Reader, We’ve done it: Fall quarter is finally within reach. Before we know it, students will be immersing themselves in campus activities and organizations, lamenting the perils of the quarter system and living the daily Bruin life. Staff will return to providing for the campus’ nearly 50,000 undergraduate and graduate students, and administrators will […]