Chris Busco: UCLA should host a variety of speakers to debate contested issues

Liberal and conservative, Globalist and nationalist, anti-abortion and pro-abortion rights. The nation is more divided now than before, and all our ideological debates boil down to the same general principal – us versus them. However, real life isn’t ever that simple; it doesn’t function in the realm of absolute right and wrong. Unfortunately, these harmful […]

Submission: Efforts to end mass shootings must focus on multiple risk factors

Another terrible mass shooting took place Sunday night at the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas – the worst one yet, until the next even worse one. As we try to process this newest variation of murder-suicide, we recall with agony the June 1, 2016 murder-suicide at UCLA where two men were killed in […]

Ankita Nair: UCLA should improve shadowing opportunities for pre-med students

Admission into a top-20 ranked medical school is notoriously difficult – acceptance rates hover around 1.8 percent to 3.9 percent. But for many pre-med students at UCLA, gaining access to student shadowing opportunities can seem just as challenging. Aside from requiring a strong academic record and stellar extracurricular activities, getting into a medical school often […]

Pravin Visakan: California labor unions must stop combating climate change bills

Imagine a state senator stepping up in the final days of California’s legislative session to present his bill to revolutionize the Californian energy sector. Unbeknownst to him, union representatives are preparing to sabotage it. Labor interests have started working against Californian legislative efforts aimed at combating climate change. This pattern of opposition was prevalent in […]

Clea Wurster: More sexual violence awareness training must be required on the Hill

Bruins, get ready to enter the “red zone.” No, this isn’t another campus tradition like Bruin Bash or the Enormous Activities Fair. Rather, the “red zone” is a term used by sexual assault researchers to describe a six-week period each fall when increased numbers of first-year female students experience sexual violence. About 23 percent of […]

Editorial: Housing for UCLA students should be prioritized over Village aesthetic

It seems Westwood residents care more about their view of the Santa Monica Mountains than whether students can afford housing near UCLA. Last week, UCLA held a public hearing, as required by the California Environmental Quality Act, for its planned undergraduate housing projects that would add about 6,900 beds to five sites throughout Westwood by […]

Submission: UCLA must embrace diversity, challenge hateful means of communication

Dear campus community, Like you, we are incredibly excited about the start of the school year. New adventures and explorations await you at one of the world’s great universities. This is a moment to embrace opportunities for unparalleled learning, discovery and challenges, together with distinguished faculty, staff and fellow students from around the world. Despite […]