Editorial: Regent accused of sexual harassment must exit board

California’s state government has started to purge itself of sexual harassers. But one at the University of California doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. State assemblymember Raul Bocanegra declared last week he would not run for re-election in the face of sexual harassment allegations. And members of California’s Democratic Party are calling for the resignation […]

Opinion editors: Proposed tunnel system would not relieve LA traffic congestion

Boring tunnels seems to be the new fad in Los Angeles. At least, that’s what Elon Musk, the visionary responsible for entrepreneurial unicorns such as Tesla and SpaceX, has us thinking. A little less than two weeks ago, Musk’s company, The Boring Co., filed an application with the city to get approval to begin digging […]

No Offense, But: Westwood and Thanksgiving

“No Offense, But” is back after a brief hiatus! This week, Opinion editor Keshav Tadimeti, assistant Opinion editor Abhishek Shetty, News editor Rupan Bharanidaran, city and crime editor Jacob Preal and News contributor Alana Mouchard talk about the Westwood Forward coalition, which aims to create a new neighborhood council for Westwood Village. After that, they […]

Arthur Wang: Men’s basketball controversy sheds light on Chinese legal system

From Colin Kaepernick to the Ping-Pong diplomacy of the 1970s, which initiated the diplomatic thaw between China and the United States, politics and sport have always been entangled in both countries. Nobody could have anticipated, though, that the latest transnational athletics-related entanglement would involve three teenage UCLA basketball players, the inept American president, an outspoken […]

Submission: Fellowships, funding resources important for graduate school

As juniors and seniors, you may be considering graduate school in the near future. While students prioritize personal statements, standardized tests and reference letters when preparing their graduate school applications, they often don’t pursue funding sources such as fellowships, scholarships and grants, which can sometimes supply between $5,000 and $30,000 a year. In graduate school, […]

Pravin Visakan: California prison overcrowding may worsen with possible new crime laws

California has a troubled history surrounding its criminal justice system. As recent as October, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation found that all but two of its prison centers were packed over their designed capacities. But throughout the last decade, the state has implemented more rehabilitative criminal justice policies to solve its long-standing problems […]

Editorial: City Council should not let property owners regulate street vending

Street vending in Los Angeles is a legislative no man’s land. City Hall might just end up turning it into the Wild West, though. The LA City Council has been talking for nearly nine months about legalizing and regulating street vending in LA. The council decriminalized street vending in February to ensure vendors could be […]