On Sept. 23, protesters surrounded the United Nations to denounce appearances made at the General Assembly by Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Libyan leader, Moammar Gadhafi.
Category Archives: Opinion Columns
Playing the race card is old news
With most of the country prepared to put the idea of a “public option” out to pasture, many Barack Obama supporters are betting all their chips on one play: the race card.
iPhone, meet Verizon
I have a BlackBerry on the Verizon Wireless Network.
Funds for domestic violence shelters are a must
The 20 percent cut in state funding to the University of California system is not trivial and will substantially affect the lives of many students and faculty members.
Hair is a dynamic way to make a personal statement
For the past 19 years, I have experienced so much anguish and stress when it comes to my hair that I have been tempted to just chop it all off.
Housing administrators must give front-desk staff more in-depth training
Don’t be fooled ““ UCLA residence halls might look and feel like hotels, but their front desk services are hardly Hiltonesque.
Walkout continues outside Murphy Hall; ralliers to head to chancellor’s office
The University of California-wide walkout continues outside of Murphy Hall. Ralliers are outside shouting, “Hey, hey, ho, ho; Chancellor Block, come say hello.”