While the relationship between a university administration and students should be an amicable one, the strains created by different goals become even clearer in a fiscal crisis.
Category Archives: Opinion Columns
_First-year students have much to look forward to and learn about college life_
The immoderate triumphalism of high school graduation tends to be the peak of a steep emotional crescendo, beginning with that acceptance letter to a top-choice university.
_A student-run food cooperative would let Bruins offer healthy, sustainable food options to each other, leading to a slimmer, greener UCLA_
Any first-time college student has heard horror stories about dining hall food and the “freshman 15.”
_Reevalution of online pilot program needed instead of current bail-out_
A year after the Academic Senate approved the University of California Online Instruction Pilot Program under the assurance that it would be externally funded, the program has failed to raise close to even a quarter of its proposed cost from the private sector.
_Mandatory campaign funding limit would be more judicious_
Of the 24 candidates for this year’s Undergraduate Students Association Council election, only three volunteered to limit campaign spending.
_USAC events should be collaborative and include all offices_
It’s election time at UCLA, and students are quickly reverting back from being officers of student government to being representatives of their opposing slates.
_USAC should encourage more independents_
When the names of candidates for student government were announced last week, there was a refreshing surprise: There are four students running for president instead of the usual two candidates from Students First!