Ron Kehrmann’s 17-year-old daughter Tal loved camels.
For almost a decade Ron has worn a camel-shaped pin as an excuse to talk about Tal, who was killed in a suicide bombing in Haifa, Israel in 2003.
Since 1919
Ron Kehrmann’s 17-year-old daughter Tal loved camels.
For almost a decade Ron has worn a camel-shaped pin as an excuse to talk about Tal, who was killed in a suicide bombing in Haifa, Israel in 2003.
Sometimes I wish I were as smart the E*TRADE baby. That’s not meant to be a joke, either. When you see the investment firm’s ads on TV, the message isn’t subtle: Our financial tools are so good, a baby can use them and be successful. Amazingly enough, when I started testing the murky waters of […]
Harvard University beats the University of California in the average SAT score and GPA of admitted students; that’s an inarguable fact. But the University of California is doing really well when it comes to fulfilling public obligations and providing services to the people of California.
I arrived at UCLA in 2012 with the campus still furious about the recent tuition increases. But despite the uproar among students about skyrocketing college payments, my tuition and student fees – just like those of many others – were covered by the University.
Last November, Aryle Butler, a third-year student at UC Berkeley, was told by campus administrators that filing a complaint against the person who sexually assaulted her would be “invasive and unnecessary.”
This summer I had the opportunity to intern at a law firm, where I would likely have sorted paperwork and fetched coffee like thousands of other students trying to wheedle their way into the professional world.
Economics students such as myself are led to believe that money is everything.We’re obsessed with cash: where it goes, what it does and how it’s counted. And from an economic perspective, the recent report from the Center for Investigative Reporting detailing approximately $2 million in luxury travel arrangements and entertainment expenses by UCLA deans and […]