The rock wasn’t yet known as Founder’s Rock.
Category Archives: Westwood
Alumna wins suit over bar exam
A partially blind UCLA School of Law graduate will receive the accommodations she needs to take the state bar exam later this month after winning a lawsuit filed against the National Conference of Bar Examiners.
Use of filibuster up for debate
Republican Scott Brown’s recent victory in the Massachusetts Senatorial election broke the Democratic supermajority in the Senate and called into question the legitimacy of a popular senate procedure: the filibuster.
UCOP travel program introduced
In efforts to decrease spending on travel and entertainment, the University of California Office of the President created Connexxus, a travel program created in 2008 that UCLA is now starting to implement.
Census Bureau recruits student employees for temporary positions
In 2000, more than 50,000 people were hired to follow up on U.S. residents who did not submit their mail-in census forms. For the Census 2010, recruiters hope to attract a similar amount of employees, especially students.
La Kretz Center creates new possibilities for conservation of Los Angeles’ ecosystem
UCLA recently created the La Kretz Center, which brings together various organizations throughout the state of California to conserve Los Angeles’ ecosystem and Southern Californian biodiversity.
Construction aims for beautification of Los Angeles National Cemetery for veterans
For weeks, Jennifer Bertelsen noticed an eerie sensation tingle through her while driving home from work.