USAC passes vote of no confidence in Napolitano, regents

The undergraduate student government passed a resolution with a 9-4 vote Tuesday expressing no confidence in University of California President Janet Napolitano and the UC Board of Regents. Undergraduate Students Association Council Internal Vice President Heather Hourdequin, Academic Affairs Commissioner Allyson Bach, Facilities Commissioner Carlos Quintanilla and Financial Support Commissioner Heather Rosen voted against the […]

USAC to vote on proposed conflict of interest bylaw changes

The undergraduate student government may change its bylaws in coming weeks to eliminate wording that says councilmembers should avoid the perception of a conflict of interest. The changes would stipulate that conflicts of interest only come from an ongoing contractual or financial obligation, or a financial interest in a decision made as an elected official. […]

USAC passes resolution to support diversity requirement

The undergraduate student government unanimously passed a resolution to support a diversity course requirement for College of Letters and Science students Tuesday night. The Undergraduate Students Association Council vote is an informal step toward the implementation of the diversity requirement, which will have first-year students entering UCLA in 2015 and transfers entering in 2017 take […]

USAC recap – Nov. 25

The Undergraduate Students Association Council is the official student government representing the undergraduate student body at UCLA. Council meetings take place every week on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in Kerckhoff 417 and are open to all students. Watch a live stream of the meeting on the USAC Live! YouTube channel. Agenda The council unanimously approved […]

USAC to vote on nominee for internal vice president seat

The undergraduate student government will vote Tuesday on a nominee to fill the vacant internal vice president position, in line with constitutional procedures to fill the open seat. Heather Hourdequin, co-chief of staff of the Internal Vice President’s office and candidate for the seat, will need the majority approval of the Undergraduate Students Association Council […]

USAC accepting applications for internal vice president position

Applications for the undergraduate student government internal vice president seat are available online until Friday and are open to all students. The position opened up last week after former Undergraduate Students Association Council Internal Vice President Avinoam Baral assumed the USAC presidency. Devin Murphy resigned from his role as USAC president last Friday. The internal […]