ASUCLA Finance Committee recap – March 6

Members of the Associated Students UCLA Finance Committee and the Communications Board discussed the association’s finances and possible models for UCLA Student Media at their monthly meeting Friday. Budgets Sales at the UCLA Store were higher than expected in February, especially in the computer department. Sales at Kerckhoff Coffee House have been strong, which ASUCLA […]

USAC removes video of controversial meeting on Judicial Board appointee

This post was updated on March 10 at 11:59 p.m. The undergraduate student government recently took down a YouTube video of a controversial council meeting after several councilmembers received death threats and hate mail accusing them of being anti-Semitic. On Feb. 10, several members of the Undergraduate Students Association Council raised concerns about the appointment […]

GSA recap – March 4

The Graduate Students Association is the voice of graduate students on campus. The association meets for forum every three weeks and takes positions on current issues affecting graduate students. Forum meetings are at 5:30 p.m. in the Ackerman Viewpoint Lounge. Agenda Ryan Snyder, of the Ryan Snyder Associates urban planning and transportation firm, presented the […]

GSA amends Election Code, reduces signatures needed to run for office

The graduate student government voted Wednesday to reduce the number of signatures that candidates must collect to run for office from 50 to 30. The Graduate Students Association Election Code amendment, which passed with a 12-4-0 vote, aims to increase the number of candidates running in elections and in turn improve voter turnout by making […]

GSA votes against rejoining UCSA

The graduate student government voted unanimously Wednesday night to not rejoin the University of California Student Association because of concerns over membership fees. To rejoin UCSA, which advocates for UC students, the Graduate Students Association would have to pay about $16,000 annually for membership. At the forum Wednesday, GSA officers said they were worried graduate […]

ASUCLA Board of Directors recap – Feb. 27

Associated Students UCLA is a multimillion-dollar organization that provides student services and activities that the university does not fund. It oversees the Undergraduate Students Association Council, Graduate Students Association, Communications Board, campus services and enterprises. Proposals: The board voted unanimously to spend $300,000 on renovations for the Global Viewpoint Lounge in Ackerman Union. The renovations […]