USAC Facilities Commissioner Carlos Quintanilla resigns

Undergraduate student government officer Carlos Quintanilla stepped down as Facilities commissioner Thursday evening for personal reasons. Quintanilla is the third councilmember to resign citing personal reasons from the 2014-2015 Undergraduate Students Association Council. “I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to finish my term,” Quintanilla said. “It was a great opportunity … (but) I know council […]

USAC to vote on adding fee increase referendum to election ballot

The undergraduate student government will vote Tuesday on whether to add a referendum to the spring election ballot that would raise quarterly student fees by $3 to increase funding for student group activities. If students vote to pass the measure, the funds would be allocated to the Undergraduate Students Association Council Contingency Programming Fund, the […]

Election Board deems FIRED UP! ineligible following late application

The FIRED UP! slate is not allowed to run candidates in the upcoming undergraduate student government election, after four students submitted their candidate application packets seven minutes past the deadline. Undergraduate Students Association Council Election Board Chair Shagun Kabra said the applicants submitted the online portion of their applications at 11:53 a.m. on Friday, seven […]

USAC unanimously passes resolution calling for bike lanes around UCLA

The undergraduate student government unanimously passed a resolution calling for the Los Angeles City Council to install a bike lane along Westwood Boulevard near UCLA. The Undergraduate Students Association Council worked with Westwood neighborhood groups and the Graduate Students Association to develop the resolution. GSA unanimously passed a similar resolution during its March 4 meeting. […]

USAC unanimously passes resolution condemning anti-Semitism on campus

This article was updated on March 11 at 12:45 a.m. The undergraduate student government unanimously passed “A Resolution Condemning Anti-Semitism” at its Tuesday meeting after more than 100 students made public comments in support of the measure. The resolution, drafted by members of Hillel at UCLA and Undergraduate Students Association Council President Avinoam Baral, condemns […]