ASUCLA approves 2015-2016 financial budget, five-year forecast

The Associated Students UCLA Board of Directors approved its 2015-2016 financial year budget and a five–year forecast, which includes an allocation of $3 million to renovate the first floor and A–level of Ackerman Union. ASUCLA is a multimillion dollar organization responsible for managing the student union and the undergraduate and graduate student governments. The board […]

All of Us holds vigil to fight stigma of suicide, mental health

Nicole Moreland lost two friends to suicide during her four years at UCLA. One was Sam Oliver, a fourth-year economics student who died from an apparent suicide in December. Before his death, Oliver was involved in discussion panels about depression and suicide, which have continued on campus. Moreland, a fourth-year psychology student and programming director […]

Cap and Gown Rental Project seeks to trim financial strain of graduation

The Cap and Gown Rental Project loaned 17 of its 20 caps and gowns in less than an hour when it opened on May 19. The rental period was intended to last until May 22, but ended early after all the graduation gear was rented out on May 20. Hanita Dhillon, a third-year English student […]

The Facing Project gives students a chance to share their stories

After Robyn Barrios learned his mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, he dropped out of high school and worked a job at McDonald’s to support his family. When Barrios was accepted to UCLA, he wanted to tell his story, but was not sure how. Students like Barrios had the opportunity to share their stories in […]

USAC recap — May 20

The Undergraduate Students Association Council is the official student government representing the undergraduate student body at UCLA. Council meetings take place every week on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in Kerckhoff 417 and are open to all students. Watch a live stream of the meeting on the USAC Live! YouTube channel. Agenda The undergraduate student council […]

USAC asks community to verify leaked LET’S ACT! documents’ authenticity

Undergraduate student government President Heather Rosen asked on Monday for UCLA community members to submit any evidence that members of the LET’S ACT! slate used illicit tactics to fundraise in previous campaigns. Documents leaked near the start of the Undergraduate Students Association Council election last month allege that LET’S ACT! members used student fees and […]