USAC recap – Feb. 23

The Undergraduate Students Association Council is the official student government that represents the undergraduate student body at UCLA. Council meetings take place every week Tuesday at 7 p.m. in Kerckhoff 417 and are open to all students. Watch a live stream of the meetings on the USAC Live! YouTube channel. Special Presentations General Representative Aaliya […]

USAC discusses bloc voting, other concerns about election process

Several undergraduate student government officers and Election Board officials met Wednesday to discuss bloc voting and other concerns about the student government election process. The Undergraduate Students Association Council’s Constitutional Review Committee, which is in charge of proposing changes to USAC bylaws or the Election Code, convened to discuss possible solutions that aim to make […]

USAC recap – Feb. 16

The Undergraduate Students Association Council is the official student government representing the undergraduate student body at UCLA. Council meetings take place every week Tuesday at 7 p.m. in Kerckhoff 417 and are open to all students. Watch a live stream of the meetings on the USAC Live! YouTube channel. Agenda The council unanimously approved the […]

SWC reFRESH campaign aims to revitalize students’ health

An undergraduate student government office will allow students to discuss a variety of hygiene-related issues, including the cultural norms of shaving and the importance of dental care, during a month-long campaign beginning this week. The Undergraduate Students Association Council Student Wellness Commission organized reFRESH 2016 to help students improve their hygiene and health, according to […]

GSA passes resolutions to ensure neutrality, investigate cabinet action

The graduate student government passed a series of resolutions Wednesday to address concerns about its funding restrictions, which pro-Palestine legal groups concluded was a violation of students’ First Amendment rights. In October, Graduate Students Association President Milan Chatterjee granted the Diversity Caucus, a social welfare student organization, funding for a town hall so long as […]

USAC EVP’s lack of communication hurts advocacy, say student leaders

Members of student organizing coalitions said the undergraduate student government external vice president’s office is not making a strong effort to collaborate with them, which detracts from student advocacy efforts. Some University of California student leaders allege that Zach Helder, Undergraduate Students Association Council external vice president, does not thoroughly communicate with other lobbying organizations […]

City officials fund project to improve lighting in North Village

City officials have funded a project that aims to improve lighting in North Village by the end of the year, Westwood council members announced at a meeting Wednesday. Westwood Neighborhood Council member Jacob Finn said the Bureau of Street Services prioritized improving North Village lighting after receiving multiple complaints from community members. Eddie Chavez, a […]