EVP office holding phone banking sessions fall and winter quarters

Undergraduate student leaders will provide a platform throughout fall and winter quarters for students to call elected officials. The undergraduate student government’s office of the external vice president started Phone Banking Fridays on Kerckhoff patio from 12 to 3 p.m. last Friday for students to call state representatives and express support for targeted state bills. […]

USAC recap – Oct. 10

The Undergraduate Students Association Council is the official student government representing the undergraduate student body at UCLA. Council meetings take place every week on Tuesday at 7 p.m. in Kerckhoff 417 and are open to all students. Watch a livestream of the meetings on the USAC Live! YouTube channel. Special Presentations: Guy Adams, manager of […]

Amendment to USAC Election Code bylaw reforms campaign spending limits

UCLA’s undergraduate student government voted last week to reduce the amount student political groups can spend on election campaigns in order to make campaigning more fair. The Undergraduate Students Association Council removed parts of an election code bylaw that allowed candidates running in student political groups called slates to raise an additional $200 for their […]

Recent change allows for students to use preferred names on BruinCard

Andy Talajkowski said they feel more validated and acknowledged after changing their name on their new BruinCard. “I think it’s ridiculous how the legal name is still used as the primary identification – UCLA should cater to different student communities,” Talajkowski, a third-year English student said. Since July, students have been able to print their […]

USAC recap – Oct. 3

The Undergraduate Students Association Council is the official student government representing the undergraduate student body at UCLA. Council meetings take place every Tuesday at 7 p.m. in Kerckhoff 417 and are open to all students. Watch a livestream of the meetings on the USAC Live! YouTube channel. Special Presentations: UCPD Lt. Kevin Kilgore said he […]

Academic Affairs Commission opens new study space in Kerckhoff Hall

Students will soon be able to study after midnight at a new study space in Kerckhoff Hall. The study space, which will be located at the Academic Affairs Commission Office in Kerckhoff 310, will open to students Wednesday. The space aims to provide more study areas for students, especially those who want to study late […]

Newly approved UCSA campaign advocates for disability resources

Students across the University of California are working to improve resources for students with disabilities through a new two-year project. Student delegates voted to pass a campaign called Demanding Disability Resources and Diversification, or #WeAre3D, at the UC Student Association’s UC Student Organizing Summit in September. The campaign aims to bring attention to problems faced […]