Student input to be consulted in new library mug design

Students now have the opportunity to vote on a new design for a new UCLA library mug, which student leaders hope will reduce campus waste. Associated Students UCLA and Undergraduate Students Association Council Facilities Commissioner Armen Hadjimanoukian organized the redesign process. The redesigned mug will be available for purchase at coffeehouses across campus on Earth […]

UCLA groups host panel to open discussion on male sexual assault

UCLA students gathered Wednesday night to discuss how men are affected by sexual assault, as part of a larger discussion about the silence of male sexual assault survivors and stereotypes surrounding the issue. The panel event was co-hosted by 7,000 in Solidarity, an undergraduate student government campaign against sexual assault at UCLA, and the Student […]

UCLA updates policy to allow petitions for longer leave of absence

Graduate students who are struggling financially can now take time off from school, after administrators and faculty members made changes to the university’s leave of absence policy Friday. UCLA’s Graduate Council and the Graduate Division upgraded the policy in hopes of helping students who are having financial problems to stay enrolled at UCLA even if […]

USAC Recap – Feb. 18

The Undergraduate Students Association Council is the official student government of UCLA’s undergraduate students. Council meetings are held on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in Kerckhoff 417 and are open to all students. Agenda Several members of Students for Justice in Palestine spoke about changes the group has made to a resolution it plans to bring […]

USAC unanimously allocates reduced SOOF funds to groups

The undergraduate student government allocated about $20,000 to student groups this quarter – less than half the amount distributed during winter quarter last year. On Tuesday, the Undergraduate Students Association Council voted unanimously to approve allocations to student groups from its Student Organization Operational Fund, or SOOF. During last winter’s SOOF allocations, councilmembers gave out […]

UCLA students petition for transfer representative on USAC

Transfer student advocates and a member of the undergraduate student government created a petition Thursday to push for the creation of a new council position to represent transfer students. If the petition gets 15 percent of the undergraduate student body’s signatures in coming weeks, undergraduate students will be able to vote to create the position […]

Students for Justice in Palestine calls for UC, UCLA divestment

Students for Justice in Palestine has authored a resolution asking the University of California and UCLA to divest from some companies that profit from the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. The resolution calls for divestment from five companies that some students say are complicit in the human rights abuses of Palestinians, said […]