Mobile art gallery advocates “alcohol is not consent”

Janelle Cohen’s early sexual harassment education in grade school featured pictures of girls crying and big red letters sensationalizing the threat and effects of sexual assault. Cohen, who said she is a sexual assault ally, did not respond positively to these messages. To combat the stereotypical images of sexual assault, the third-year theater student decided […]

GSA Recap – March 5

The original version of this article contained an error and has been changed. See the bottom of the article for additional information. The UCLA Graduate Students Association is the voice of graduate students on campus. The association meets for forum every three weeks and takes positions on current issues affecting graduate students. Forum meetings are […]

GSA unanimously passes resolution addressing racial campus climate

The graduate student government unanimously passed a resolution Wednesday calling for UCLA to improve its racial campus climate by implementing certain policy changes and including more student input in administrative decisions.The resolution calls for the university to institute a diversity-related general education requirement and diversity training for teaching assistants, among other demands. The Graduate Students […]

USAC Recap: March 4

The Undergraduate Students Association Council is the official student government of UCLA’s undergraduate students. Council meetings are held on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in Kerckhoff 417 and are open to all students Agenda USAC decided to form a committee to debrief last week’s meeting regarding a divestment resolution. The committee will make suggestions about the […]

USAC to form review committee after meeting on divestment resolution

UCLA’s undergraduate student government decided to form a committee Tuesday to review last week’s meeting regarding a divestment resolution and make suggestions for the best procedures the council should follow if faced with such a controversial vote again. The committee would discuss councilmember concerns, including how to handle outside media organizations, how long public comments […]

ASUCLA offers UCLA Student Media $200,000 credit line

The original version of this article contained information that was unclear and has been changed. See the bottom of the article for additional information. The Associated Students UCLA board of directors passed a revised financial agreement at its meeting Friday that would provide UCLA Student Media with a $200,000 line of credit. The agreement, which underwent […]

USAC IVP office to host Campus Safety Day on Monday

UCLA partners are bringing a variety of campus safety resources to students Monday through a series of tours and workshops on campus and the Hill. The Undergraduate Students Association Council Internal Vice President’s office is hosting Campus Safety Day in collaboration with multiple campus organizations, in an effort to centralize and showcase campus safety information. […]