Candidates from the Moving Forward slate swept the two officer seats they contested in this year’s unusually competitive graduate student government elections. Mike “Hershey” Hirshman, a UCLA Anderson School of Management student, was elected GSA president with a 963-510 vote. “Overall, I think we had strong turnout, which indicates that our community was involved in […]
Category Archives: Student Government
Former Election Board member against shorter voting period
A former member of the undergraduate student government election board is formally challenging the current board’s decision to shorten the election voting period. Next week, the Undergraduate Students Association Council Judicial Board plans to review a petition calling for the current elections calendar to be extended. This year’s voting period shrunk from four days to […]
GSA Elections Board finds candidate guilty of violation
The graduate student government elections board found a presidential candidate guilty of violating the elections code Tuesday night, but did not give any penalties for the infraction. On the first day of Graduate Students Association elections last Tuesday, law student Steven Sabel filed a complaint against current President Nicole Robinson accusing her of using departmental […]
USAC votes to create referendum on possible transfer seat
Undergraduate student government leaders unanimously voted Tuesday to place a referendum on the spring elections ballot that calls for the creation of a transfer representative council seat. Though the referendum failed to gather signatures from the 15 percent of undergraduate students needed to put it on the ballot, the Undergraduate Students Association Council voted in […]
USAC Recap – April 15
The Undergraduate Students Association Council is the official student government of UCLA’s undergraduate students. Council meetings are held on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in Kerckhoff 417 and are open to all students. Agenda The council approved contingency programming allocations with a 9-0-2 vote. The council unanimously voted to add a referendum for the creation of […]
Students form new slate FIRED UP! for USAC elections
A new slate that had initially planned to run candidates with LET’S ACT! will contest several positions in the upcoming undergraduate student government elections. Slates are groups of students that pool together their resources and run under similar platforms, much like political parties. A total of 30 candidates are running for office this year – […]
General Representative candidate to withdraw from election
A candidate running with the FIRED UP! slate plans to officially withdraw from the undergraduate student government elections for personal reasons.