Special election necessary if winning USAC candidates turn down posts

A special election possibly costing thousands of dollars in student fees would be held if students elected to undergraduate student government officer positions this week resign or turn down their posts. If a student elected to be part of next year’s Undergraduate Students Association Council declines to take office, he or she would leave a […]

USAC election results to be announced in Bruin Plaza

The results of the undergraduate student government election will be announced in Bruin Plaza around 4 or 4:30 p.m. Friday. In past years, results were announced in Meyerhoff Park in front of Kerckhoff on Thursday night. But the Undergraduate Students Association Council Election Board changed the location this year to ensure that Bruin Walk was […]

Petition seeks limits on election board media authority

The undergraduate student government Judicial Board is set to review a Daily Bruin petition calling for the Election Board to have no authority over non-paid media coverage. On Monday, the Undergraduate Students Association Council Election Board told USAC presidential candidates they could be sanctioned if they appeared on the Daily Bruin’s news and culture radio […]

Over $25,000 spent in USAC election campaigns

Campaign supporters and the majority of students running for undergraduate student government offices spent more than $25,000 to promote candidates and engage the student body in the spring election this year. Three main slates ran candidates in the Undergraduate Students Association Council election. Bruins United spent the most, with a total of about $10,200, or […]

FIRED UP! candidate criticizes LET’S ACT! hand symbols

A candidate from the FIRED UP! slate released a statement Wednesday claiming that hand symbols used by the LET’S ACT! slate promote gang culture. Gabriel Gutierrez, the FIRED UP! candidate for Undergraduate Students Association Council Financial Supports commissioner, issued the statement, which criticizes LET’S ACT! for using a hand sign that he says trivializes the […]

GSA recap – May 7

The UCLA Graduate Students Association is the voice of graduate students on campus. The association meets for forum every three weeks and takes positions on current issues affecting graduate students. Forum meetings are at 7 p.m. in the Ackerman Viewpoint Lounge. Officer reports GSA President Nicole Robinson said the Master’s and Ph.D. Career conference on […]

Q&A: Satirical USAC candidate Sachin Medhekar shares platform

Sachin Medhekar, a satirical candidate running for this year’s General Representative office in the Undergraduate Students Association Council election, recently talked with Daily Bruin campus reporter Jasmine Aquino about his campaign platforms and why he decided to run for USAC. The third-year computer science student and sole candidate of the new ¡Bruin Satyrists! slate spoke […]