Cap and gown drive to help student graduation costs

Throughout the summer and school year, undergraduate student government members will collect used graduation caps and gowns to rent, free of charge, to future graduating students. The Cap and Gown Donation drive, which began during 10th week, is meant to help mitigate graduation costs for UCLA students, said Undergraduate Students Association Council General Representative 1 […]

USAC to release USSA, UCSA student delegate applications

Students can apply to be UCLA delegates for upcoming statewide and nationwide conferences starting Tuesday. The Undergraduate Students Association Council External Vice President’s office will release two applications for the delegate positions on its Facebook page this week. The applications are due at 11:59 p.m. on July 15. The conferences will take place in California […]

UCSA looking at allegations about student regent-designate Avi Oved

On Saturday, the University of California Student Association called for an emergency meeting to discuss whether to look into allegations that Avi Oved, a student regent-designate nominee for the UC Board of Regents, submitted incomplete campaign finance reports when he ran for a UCLA undergraduate student government position in 2013.

USAC recap – June 24

The Undergraduate Students Association Council is the official student government of UCLA’s undergraduate students. During summer, council meetings take place biweekly on Tuesdays at 8 p.m. in Kerckhoff 417 and are open to all students. Watch a live stream of the meeting on the USAC Live! YouTube channel. Agenda The council approved capital contingency programming […]

Joint election for transfer student rep, Gen Rep 2 to be held in fall

A special election will be held in the fall for two undergraduate student government seats, a general representative and transfer student representative. The joint election was approved unanimously at Tuesday’s Undergraduate Students Association Council meeting. At the meeting, councilmembers agreed to keep the two remaining general representatives in their current posts. Fabienne Roth will continue […]

USAC General Representative 2 Nihal Satyadev resigns from office

This post was updated at 2 p.m. Undergraduate student government councilmember Nihal Satyadev resigned from the General Representative 2 position on June 12 for personal reasons, less than two weeks after being sworn into office. Satyadev, a member of the Bruins United slate and a former bioengineering student, was elected to the Undergraduate Students Association […]