Schools take varied approaches to sex

Sex and college. A seemingly inevitable combination that is present simultaneously between the sheets, behind closed doors and out and about. This week, UCLA and many other college campuses are decked out in rainbows in honor of National Coming Out Week. Stephanie Shipman is a fourth-year journalism student at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, the […]

L.A. atmosphere, media trends factor into body dysmorphic disorder

Alongside packed bookshelves and the usual office furniture, two walls of Dr. Eda Gorbis’ Westwood office are a fun house. One mirror arches off the wall ““ the curved glass reflects the unfortunate gazer with a grotesquely elongated torso, enlarged head and stubby legs. Another mirror stretches the reflected face horizontally like silly putty. As […]

UCLA programs help combat eating disorders

With the heart of Hollywood just over the hill, UCLA students combat messages about the hypothetical ideal body type every day, helping to lead many high school and college students to develop eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating. These devastating conditions produce both physical and psychological suffering for their victims, ranging from […]

UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute receives $25 million donation

The UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute received a $25 million donation June 17, making it one the nation’s largest gifts solely directed toward the study of the brain. Terry Semel, chief executive officer of Yahoo! Inc., and his wife made the donation to the institute, which will be renamed in honor of them. Faculty at the institute […]