Titan probe delivers atmospheric insight

Sprawled beneath a pale orange sky, the foreign wind rustling its recently discharged parachute, a solitary probe sent its first signal to expectant earthlings nearly a billion miles away. Last month, the Huygens probe landed with a “splat” on Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, sending back the first physical data from the only moon in the […]

Public diagnosis: Celebrity testimony doesn't cure colds

If Oprah jumped off a bridge, would you do it too? The proverbial bridge in question is Airborne, the Alka-Seltzer-like herbal concoction that was developed by a second-grade school teacher who just couldn�t shake the sniffles. Her theory was simple: design a nutritional supplement to safeguard against illness. The end product is a tablet that, […]

Low rate of newborns with HIV reflects better care, medicine

In light of the fact that the number of HIV-infected women increases every year, it may seem that the number of newborns contracting the virus should also increase. But HIV in infants has reached such a low rate in the United States that many experts hope to see its presence in newborns eradicated. HIV ““ […]

Stem cell lines not ready for humans

Embryonic stem cell lines that have been federally approved for research may be contaminated by the animal cells used to culture them, according to a study released last week. These contaminated stem cell lines, 22 in total, cannot be applied therapeutically because the foreign particles would trigger rejection by the human immune system. The findings, […]