UCLA, public schools will refund mandatory fees

UCLA, public schools will refund mandatory fees Bruins objecting to certain funding can be reimbursed By Gil Hopenstand Daily Bruin Senior Staff Students who object to certain uses of their mandatory student government fees can now get their money back ­ an average of about 20 cents. Student government officials are now completing the process […]

USAC revives debate of IFC sponsorship

The Undergraduate Student Association Council will discuss the fate of the fraternity community tonight, the latest addition to the contentious debate about the greek role in campus government. Student officers have stressed they will not vote on "responsoring," or re-admitting, the Interfraternity Council, which is the umbrella organization for fraternities. Student government rules require a […]

Asian American studies graduates to major

By Julie Ann Silva Daily Bruin Senior Staff Asian American studies graduated this summer. Beginning this quarter, students intrigued by Asian American ethnic studies can major in the field whereas before only a specialization was possible. The new bachelor’s degree program comes after more than five years of faculty and student planning and will complement […]