UCLA, public schools will refund mandatory fees Bruins objecting to certain funding can be reimbursed By Gil Hopenstand Daily Bruin Senior Staff Students who object to certain uses of their mandatory student government fees can now get their money back  an average of about 20 cents. Student government officials are now completing the process […]
Category Archives: News
Tax helps fund UC breast cancer research
By Donna Wong Daily Bruin Senior Staff Contrary to what its critics have said, cigarette smoking may actually be good for some people’s health. Since the beginning of this year, cigarette smokers in the state of California have been paying an extra 2 cents per pack to fund breast cancer research and early detection services. […]
Nursing survives one more year as major
By Gil Hopenstand Daily Bruin Senior Staff Enjoying a temporary victory, UCLA salvaged its distinction of being the only University of California offering an undergraduate major in nursing – at least for one more year. The School of Nursing expects to admit another incoming class of undergraduates in 1995-96, even though the school is faced […]
State prosecutes UCLA in wage suit
By Alisa Ulferts Daily Bruin Senior Staff UCLA is fighting in court a ruling by the state that claims the university owes its construction workers a higher wage for working on publicly funded projects. The problem is that no one can agree on whether the construction is publicly funded. According to the California Code of […]
USAC revives debate of IFC sponsorship
The Undergraduate Student Association Council will discuss the fate of the fraternity community tonight, the latest addition to the contentious debate about the greek role in campus government. Student officers have stressed they will not vote on "responsoring," or re-admitting, the Interfraternity Council, which is the umbrella organization for fraternities. Student government rules require a […]
Courses bring real world to classroom
By Donna Wong Daily Bruin Senior Staff One year ago – at the dawn of the academic year – the Social Sciences Collegium gave birth to classes that transcended the boundaries of any department curriculum. Now, at the beginning of its second full year, the program headed by sociology Professor Jeffrey Alexander is giving more […]
Asian American studies graduates to major
By Julie Ann Silva Daily Bruin Senior Staff Asian American studies graduated this summer. Beginning this quarter, students intrigued by Asian American ethnic studies can major in the field whereas before only a specialization was possible. The new bachelor’s degree program comes after more than five years of faculty and student planning and will complement […]