Appeals court decides in favor of UCLA in wage, labor dispute

Appeals court decides in favor of UCLA in wage, labor dispute To keep housing costs down, workers won’t receive higher wages By Lia Ramsey Daily Bruin Contributor A lengthy court battle between the University of California and the California Department of Industrial Relations drew to a close last month, when a state appeals court ruled […]

Helping homeless a sticky business for Jewish groups

Helping homeless a sticky business for Jewish groups By Karen Duryea Daily Bruin Staff Covered with peanut butter and smelling of baby wipes, three student groups teamed up Wednesday to meet a goal of making 1,000 peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches for the homeless. Students from Hillel, the Jewish Student Union and Caring Hands spent a […]

Negative ads turns voters away from polls, study says

Negative ads turns voters away from polls, study says By Tiffany McElroy Daily Bruin Contributor Negative political advertising undermines American democracy and decreases voter turnout, UCLA researchers concluded. Political science Professor Shanto Iyengar and former political science Professor Stephen Ansolabehere, have found that negative political advertising turns voters away from the polls on election day. […]

Supplements increase in popularity despite criticisms

Supplements increase in popularity despite criticisms Many students turn to weight-gaining products to add bulk, boost energy levels By Susan Lee Daily Bruin Contributor Bulking up is no easy task. Much like working out to lose weight, gaining weight and muscle takes time and energy. While everyday exercise is recommended by health experts everywhere, some […]